Grant Park is Atlanta's oldest and fourth largest park, located in the heart of the Grant Park community. It was donated to the City of Atlanta by philanthropist and railroad engineer Lemuel P. Grant in 1882 and officially opened in 1883 with no racial restrictions. In 1903, landscape architectural firm Olmsted Brothers was contracted to design the park and proposed a naturalistic planting scheme, expanding Lake Abana and adding sinuous walks, which remain as lasting legacies of their plan. The park is home to one of the city's oldest fountains and entryway to Zoo Atlanta. Zoo Atlanta is home more than 1,500 animals from 220 species. The park also features a baseball field, 4 tennis courts, 1.5 basketball courts, a pool and a recreation center.
Large scale, central or other unique properties that draw users from the greater metro Atlanta area. These properties may have the ability to host large or smaller events such as concerts, festivals, and other events and are often destination points for visitors.